The hellfire and brimstone that dominates most people’s versions of Hell is all well and good, except such fantasies pale in comparisons to the many times we’ve put ourselves through real-life Hell since the dawn of civilization. These are times when even Satan saw what we were doing to ourselves and simply said, “Damn.”
Browsing: Hell
The Divine Comedy is a celebrated piece of epic poetry that has been read and…
For many of us, the underworld—Hell, Hades, Xibalba, whatever you call it—is located in a…
Many people believe in the existence hell; some do not. Well, we really can’t blame…
“Under the Dome” is a CBS summer “event” series that will be airing a limited…
Though the concept of religion and by extension, hell and heaven, is one that is…
Today, even people of the same religion often have different beliefs about Hell. Does it…