Author: Petros Bojo

Myths and legends are the cornerstones of civilizations. They are stories passed down from generation to generation as a way to share knowledge as well as impart important lessons of survival. Legends and myths helped mold the modern consciousness of man, but they are not always a good source of truth, merely a fictional account.…

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Creepy urban legends are things that both frighten and delight us. The stories vary from culture to culture, and transforms into something different with each retelling. Here are some of the most famous urban legends from throughout Asia. 10. The Sweet Girl of Ancol Bridge (Indonesia) This legend revolves around the ghost of Maryam, a…

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For most, ants are just harmless insects (unless you find a red one; then run away to another country IMMEDIATELY.) We know they can lift extremely heavy stuff but, other than that, they’re pretty insignificant, right? WRONG. Ants are basically little humans in buggy form, who can do just about anything we can, for better or for worse.

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