Author: Himanshu Sharma

Engineering is the practice of applying scientific and mathematical principles to real-life situations. While scientists usually get all the credit for all of humanity’s scientific achievements, it’s actually engineers who build the things that make all that possible – from intricate lab equipment to large-scale city projects. Some of the best engineers ever also happened…

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History is full of examples of battles that have changed the world – for good or worse. From the WW2 battle at Stalingrad to Napoleon’s infamous defeat at Waterloo, some of them are still remembered as turning points in the course of history. Most, however, remain forgotten outside the countries that fought them, either due…

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It’s often claimed that we’re living in the most peaceful time in history. That even if news reports of violent incidents are clearly going up, it’s only because of a wider dissemination of information through smartphones and social media than any real rise in violence. While it sounds intuitive, this school of thought is actually…

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CRISPR-Cas9 is a gene-editing mechanism derived from a naturally-occurring set of DNA sequences found in bacteria. While still in its infancy, the technology has garnered a lot of attention in the past few years due to its accuracy and flexibility, as well as its relatively-low cost. You can even buy your own CRISPR-Cas9 kit for…

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The advent of the Internet was a pivotal moment in modern history. It was the perfect tool for the increasingly globalized, modern world, which has now turned into an everyday necessity similar to groceries. Sadly, everything comes at a price. The Internet also came with an entirely new type of security threat, one that we…

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The British Empire was the largest empire in history in terms of landmass, as well as one of the most formidable military powers in the world at its peak. From Napoleonic France to southeast Asia to the Americas, Great Britain was known for its spectacular successes on the battlefield, often against much larger, better-armed enemies. …

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The concept of free will dictates most modern human societies, though as science is gradually finding out, it might not be as ‘free’ as we think. Rather than conscious choice, many of our everyday decisions are actually taken by the subconscious part of the brain – a complex network of neural signals and connections we’re…

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There are so many ‘mysterious’ photos and videos around the Internet that it’s hard to take them seriously. While it’s true that most of them are staged or fake, that’s not all of them, as there are still many unsolved photographic mysteries around the world that remain unsolved.  10. The Babushka Lady Babushka Lady…

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The French Empire officially refers to the geopolitical entity set up by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1804, though the French colonial empire is way older than that. French colonies started showing up in the Americas and India as early as the 17th century, and some of them still remain under French control. For the purposes of…

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We hear a lot about scientists and their fancy ideas, though it’s actually engineers who put those ideas into practice for real world applications. At its most basic, engineering is the science of building things – like machines – to apply theoretical scientific principles to real life situations. The theoretical system of measuring time, as…

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We think of all microbes as more or less the same species with some variations here and there, when in reality, it’s the oldest and most diverse subgroup of life on Earth. Their contribution to the ecosystem isn’t as apparent as other forms of life – as we can’t see them – though under the…

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We envision the history of our cities to be a step-by-step sequence of accomplishments, from small settlements to towns to the sprawling metropolises we see today. The darker parts are remembered as merely interludes – ‘dark ages’ – in the grand story, when in reality those dark ages have had a much larger impact on…

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The Second World War has been extensively studied and analyzed, and yet, so many of its most horrific parts remain largely forgotten outside communities that experienced them. There are few historical parallels to the kind of violence faced by millions of people throughout the painfully-long duration of this global war – from Eastern Europe to…

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Scientific research is usually aimed at solving something important, though that’s not always the case. There’s a growing body of research being conducted just because the researchers had nothing better to do that day. Many of these elaborate, yet useless, studies are funded by taxpayer money, too, or at least money that could have gone…

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There’s nothing particularly interesting about bridges, until you – like us – look up the best bridges around the world and realize that you’re actually really into bridges. These works of art and engineering have taken bridge-building from its mere utility of connecting two elevated points to something far greater. 10. Magdeburg Water Bridge (Germany)…

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Most scientific myths are just that: widely held science beliefs that have little to no basis in actual science. Some of them, however, have simply been brushed off as myths because of how ridiculous they sound, even if later research proves that they’re pretty much entirely accurate.  10. Garlic Can Help With A Toothache Garlic…

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The dramatic rise of Fascism in the wake of the First World War was one of the most far-reaching and consequential events of the century, and perhaps all of history. While it first showed up with the rise of Benito Mussolini in Italy, the ideology and its various implementations by other regimes in the decades…

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Before we set out to explore the cosmos, we’d first have to know everything there is about our own neighborhood. And yet, other than the general position of things and a few specific details here and there, we know surprisingly little about what’s going on in our own solar system – especially in its most…

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As we develop tools to explore other worlds for signs of life, there’s still so much we don’t know about life right here on Earth. The mysteries of the living world are as diverse and fascinating as all the various organisms that call this planet home, including our own species. They also raise some fundamental…

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