The good ol’ days weren’t as simple as the Boomers make them out to be. In many ways, they more cumbersome, convoluted, and just a bigger pain than they are today. There were no computers, calculators, TV remote, or cable, and enormous microwave ovens were only for restaurants and the rich. There were no such things…
Author: Matthew Zarzeczny
Kidnapping is a horrible crime, which effects every kind of person, from children to adults, men and women, boys and girls. Luckily, not all of these stories end in tragedy. Hopefully, the stories of these individuals rescued, and the kind-hearted individuals who helped them find freedom, will encourage us next time the unthinkable occurs.…
In the centuries prior to the French Revolution, French authorities used a variety of methods of execution depending on the nature of the crime and the condemned man or woman’s place in society. Some of these punishments took on what many would deem quite extreme dimensions of brutality. For example, French murderess Marie-Madeleine-Marguerite d’Aubray, Marquise…
Witches, werewolves, and vampires appear repeatedly in numerous works of fiction, with a number of historical inspirations for these fictional works. Similarly, zombies also keep showing up in popular culture, from Resident Evil to The Walking Dead. Yet, zombies have outside inspirations as well. This list features ten such instances, where historical people were alleged…
Today, America celebrates its independence. But this was not the only noteworthy event to occur on July 4th. As it turns out, this has been an extremely busy day for centuries.
Despite enduring the association of women with domesticity throughout much of world history, various women have nevertheless been major entrepreneurs and innovators even before the Sexual Revolution of the twentieth century. No, I am not referring to such infamous practices as the so-called “world’s oldest profession”, i.e. prostitution, as examples of female entrepreneurs and businesswomen,…
During the witch hunt trials that swept across Europe and North America in the early modern period (1500s through 1600s), while numerous women were condemned as suspected witches, a number of men were at the same time condemned as suspected werewolves or wolf men. This list covers a number of these alleged real-life werewolves and…
Despite enduring the association of women with domesticity throughout much of world history, various women have nevertheless been major entrepreneurs and innovators even before the Sexual Revolution of the twentieth century. No, I am not referring to such infamous practices as the so-called “world’s oldest profession”, i.e. prostitution, as examples of female entrepreneurs and businesswomen,…
Just because the people in charge decide a war is over, doesn’t mean every soldier knows about it. Many wars have experienced a number of bloody, violent, and fatal battles fought days, weeks, or even months after the war officially ended. This is yet one more reason that war is bad; because stupid carp like this happens far too often.
The world has experienced such an incredible technological rush over the past 20-30 years, that pretty much anything before it has been left in the dust. Let’s take a look back at some of the stuff you might have used growing up, but now seem like relics from an ancient civilization.
When you think of politicians, just about the last word that comes to mind is “honesty.” That’s too bad, because there are actually quite a few throughout history known for their devotion to the truth. Sadly, they’re in the minority, hence the Top 10 list. If this were about dishonest politicians, we’d be posting it on
As summer winds down and many of us return to school whether it be as teachers or as students, let us reflect once more on the top ten most important world news stories of the past month. August was another doozey in terms of events of likely lasting historical significance. Indeed, some events from our…
Although sometimes dismissed as merely “the Dark Continent”, Africa has a rich history full of skillful and impressive rulers. I am featuring rulers in the sense of monarchs, which is why Hannibal and President Nelson Mandela are not included. Moreover, this list concerns African rulers of great influence not just politically and militarily, but also…
Along with werewolves and zombies, vampires are among the most popular mythological monsters sweeping mainstream popular culture. They appear in blockbuster film series and on various well-established television shows, in addition to video games and books that are too numerous to list. They are even the basis for a subculture sometimes linked to “goths” (not…
On 27 October 1960, American soul singer Ben E. King co-wrote and recorded “Stand by Me”. The song was later ranked 122nd on Rolling Stone’s list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time and was named by BMI as the fourth most-performed song of the twentieth century, with about seven million performances. Over…
The idea of zombies, a creature that once died but is now alive again, but this time brainless and murderous, is a timeless premise. As such, it’s not just in video games and movies where you see them. They’ve been seen throughout history in various forms, sometimes in real life (allegedly.)
My how time flies! 2013 is now officially more than half over. Now that we are on the home stretch of the year, what were the most important world news stories of July 2013? As has been a trend this year, July was full of numerous disturbing news stories. From Detroit becoming the largest city…
We may take days off to celebrate this or that, but history does not. Here are ten times the world changed, for better or for worse, on major holidays such as Christmas and Valentine’s Day.
Over the past six months, we have included a popular monthly series listing the top ten most important world news stories of each month of 2013. As the year has reached its half-way mark, it is perhaps worthwhile to consider what among the sixty most significant news stories covered in this series still merit consideration…
2013 is now officially at its halfway point and the important events just continue to happen at a steady pace! We encourage you to post in the comments what you think was the most important event of the year thus far. In any case, among the most important news stories of just the past month…
Supporters of gun ownership claim that guns are necessary to defend themselves against danger. Regardless of whether you agree with them or not, the fact is that sometimes, guns do protect the innocent, such as in the following stories.
Stupid criminals usually get caught because of said stupidity. Here are 10 criminals who were just dumb enough to record their crime. The police say thanks for making their job that much easier.
For over a hundred years since the first decade of the twentieth century, Father’s Day has honored fathers and celebrated fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society. The holiday is currently celebrated all over the world from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe and over seventy countries in between! This list selects 10 of the…
While Christopher Columbus did eventually arrive in the Americas, there were many others who probably got there before him.