Eating as a sport is rarely anything but dumb, but certain challenges go way beyond “dumb,” taking a giant flying leap of faith straight into Ludicrous Land. These are challenges that nobody save for maybe Superman can, or should, attempt to pull off. And Superman’s too busy saving the world for this crap, so it turns out nobody should try these at all.

Any idiot can rob a bank or shoot somebody; it takes a truly creative criminal mind to pull off some of these petty, yet ingenious, illegal acts. What they’re doing may be against the law, but you still have to respect anybody willing to risk a criminal record with such interesting ideas.

Most creatures named after people are named after the scientists that discovered them. Not so with these little guys, who all share names with famous celebrities for one reason or another. These reasons, by the way, are usually quite interesting, and oftentimes silly and goofy. Which is exactly what you would expect from the wacky world of science.

Usually, President Obama gets compared to luminaries such as JFK and Lincoln. But given the current instability of the US government, perhaps the best comparison one can make is to Herbert Hoover, who was President when the Great Depression began. Hopefully, Obama’s time in office ends more positively.

When you think of Russia, several things come to mind. Cold. Vodka. Fuzzy hats. Vodka. Smoking hot double agents. Extra-strong vodka. But there’s so much more to the world’ largest country than perhaps you realize. Luckily, we’re here to educate.

Thanks to the movies, we think of revenge as something filled with anger, rage, and violence, and resorting to any means necessary to get even with those who wronged you. But there are plenty of real-life examples of people settling scores without losing their temper or physically harming anyone. Mentally though? They beat the crap out of their targets..

Most species have a shelf life and, once that expires, so does the animal. Others, however, take the Twinkie approach to life, in that they never, ever go away. Like the great-great grandmother who’s survived dozens of family members over the years, here are ten species that clearly intend to hang around until the planet’s inevitable heat death.

Most video games have a main character, specifically designed to be the star. Even so, many times another character proves to be more entertaining and more interesting, turning them into the first thing we think of when we talk about the game. They’re like video game Urkels, only much much much much much less annoying.

Espionage is something just about every country takes part in, even though it’s illegal in just about every country. The United States, being the biggest superpower on Earth, is no exception. Th number of foreign spies that attempt to infiltrate America’s ranks is truly mind-boggling. Here are ten of the most famous cases.

Just because the people in charge decide a war is over, doesn’t mean every soldier knows about it. Many wars have experienced a number of bloody, violent, and fatal battles fought days, weeks, or even months after the war officially ended. This is yet one more reason that war is bad; because stupid carp like this happens far too often.

While the overwhelming majority of the world is still religious, the number of people who reject it in favor of atheism and rational thinking grows every year. Many well-known thinkers, scientists, writers, and even comedians are spearheading this new age of skepticism, which will almost certainly keep growing for years to come.

One of the easiest ways to make your product recognizable and successful is to slap a celebrity’s face on it, because famous people are never wrong about anything. Sometimes, celebrities become unwilling endorsers, with their likeness slathered all over stuff they want nothing to do with. It’s like identity theft, only without all the maxed-out credit cards.

It’s sadly common knowledge that the Jewish people have not gotten fair treatment over the years. In fact, they’ve been hunted down a d massacred, sometimes literally, for the past 2,000 years. The bevy of myths and stereotypes that paint Judaism as the embodiment of pure evil do not help one bit.