Author: Lee Standberry

Top 10 Things to Know About Lee Standberry 10.  My favorite Top Tenz list from another author is 'Top 10 Villains who should have gone legit'. 9.   My favorite Top Tenz list that I wrote - kind of hard to choose, but I think I side with 'Top 10 Comic Super Heroes of Color', that was retitled 'Top 10 non-white comic super heroes.' 8.   I'm the best EA Sports NBA Live player you've never met or heard of.  If Live was as popular as Madden football, I would have been on TV and won tons of prize money by now.  Unfortunately, I'm left to take my buddies beer money. But hey, it's a hustle. 7.   I'm an avid comic book collector and reader, and an advocate of the medium. Screw the movie adaptions and read the original material.  Nuff Said! 6.   I firmly believe in the utility of polygamy, but my wife - for reasons that continue to elude me- is not open to the idea.  At an impasse, I'm left to wallow in thoughts of what could have been... 5.   There was a time when jumping out of helicopters and running around in the woods in camouflage fatigues was what I did for a living.  Semper Fi! 4.   I've never met anyone even remotely famous.  In fact, I've never even been in close proximity to anyone famous.  I can't even manage to get a concert seat close to the stage. 3.   Besides being able to string words together into somewhat comprehensible sentences, I like to talk (probably a little too much), so I spend a considerable amount of my time teaching and lecturing to people who are interested in what I have to say. 2.   I'm a social conservative (not the political variety) who happens to believe in social issues like government has a fundamental responsibility and obligation to assist its citizens in times of need. 1. I love dogs and until recent years, have always had one in my life.  My wife, however, doesn’t care for canines and happens to prefer cats (again, for inexplicable reasons).  At another impasse, we have a turtle.  Yeah, because EVERYONE loves reptiles.

After an interesting response from my, “Top 10 Reasons not to live in California” list, we now turn our attention to other spots around the nation that one might not want to call home. Moving all the way across the country to the east coast, we find one of the original states of the great…

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If you begin any subject matter with the adjective “extreme”, then a particular kind of thought is probably going to form in your mind – and probably not nice thoughts. Add the extreme tag to the fairly mundane and generally ignored practice of couponing and a smirk, if not a full blown out laugh, might…

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Now that we are well into the new Millennium society has begun to recognize serious concerns with issues that kids have to deal with today. Some issues have always been there but are now coming to the eyes of the public to find solutions. Other issues are new trends as society begins to adapt to…

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It only takes a spark to ignite the flames of revolution. As the spirit of changes sweeps through the Middle East, we all should be reminded of the struggles against oppression that has marked the human condition throughout history. The human spirit is difficult to extinguish; a fact that is evident as the quest for…

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The American public elects its politicians to represent their best interest in the halls of government. Unfortunately, the best of ideas can be derailed by the dubious specter of corruption. While our government’s officials are entrusted with a duty to honorably serve, this is not always the case. Politicians are routinely caught with their hands…

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Holiday traditions are the fabric that binds a society together. Holidays promote a sense of identity, brotherly love and good cheer as people join together in mutual celebration. The upcoming holiday season is a time period that truly represents these timeless concepts. Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years, and Kwanzaa – holidays that are celebrated in close…

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The holiday season is here once again and with its arrival our anticipation begins… “What am I going to get?” Yes, it is the season of good cheer and brotherly love and all of that – but we know – we really know (wink, wink) what the excitement is all about. And nothing can spoil…

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Political correctness aside, there are many colorful (no pun intended) assumptions about people in relation to their racial backgrounds.  Stereotypes can be found for every race and ethnicity. In fact, quite aside from any racist or prejudicial purposes (for which they are often associated with); stereotypes commonly are simple truths usually relating to a few…

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California is often portrayed as a great place to visit.  And certainly, there are many tourist attractions to see and participate in.  The weather is great and you can see Mickey Mouse do his thing at Disneyland.  However, it’s best to have fun during a short stay and then be on your way.  Why? Simply,…

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The Universe… The incredible difference in scale between the tiny world we live in every day and the vastness of all time and space begs the question of whether we will ever be able to grasp the fullness of the cosmos. But that doesn’t stop us from trying. In fact, contemplating the great unknowns must…

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