Author: Adrian Chirila

ellions often originate from a strong sense of indignity surrounding the status quo. Whether they’re peaceful, like was the case with Mahatma Gandhi’s resistance movement in India, or violent like with the American and French Revolutions, the aim is to gain concessions or overthrow the existing authority responsible for the situation, in the first place. …

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In ancient times, the term barbarian referred to any group or tribe that wasn’t part of the great European civilizations, namely the Greeks and Romans. Later, unchristianized people generally fell into this category. When we think about barbarians that terrorized Europe throughout the ages, the Huns, Mongols, and Vikings almost always come to mind.  Either…

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When imagining a picturesque medieval landscape, it’s nearly impossible not to also visualize a castle somewhere in the background. And while it’s true that various types of fortifications have been around since ancient times, it was during the medieval period that castles truly came into their own.  But what most people don’t know about medieval…

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Lost cities have long been the subject of fascination. Places like Atlantis, El Dorado, or the Lost City Of Z have stirred all sorts of wild theories and deadly expeditions but to no avail. Others like Troy, Petra, Memphis, or Machu Pichu have since been rediscovered. When it comes to lost cities, we tend to…

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Starting from humble beginnings, Rome managed to make a name for itself – a name that withstood the test of time. Ancient Rome was a highly militaristic society, enabling it to subdue one tribe after another and stretch its borders to the edges of the known world. Yet, it was that same army buckling under…

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Ligers are an interesting breed, to say the least. They are the hybrid offspring of a male lion and a female tiger, and only exist in captivity. Currently in the wild, lions and tigers share only one small patch of forest in western India as a common habitat, and thus, ligers haven’t been documented outside…

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Like people, not all animals are the same. Some have gone on to make a name for themselves in this world, and considering the name of this list you can probably gather what we’re going to talk about today. Whether intentional or not (probably not, though), these animals have reached international recognition for one reason…

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We seem to be constantly bombarded by all sorts of information about climate change, and what negative effects it has on the environment and humanity as a whole. But in light of those many gloomy facts, we’re not really given any options as to what we can do ourselves to counter the situation – making…

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In many parts of the world today, a lot of people are living relatively sheltered lives. But that safety and comfort can disappear at a moment’s notice. Compared to what nature can throw at us, the human body is a fragile thing. But in some fortunate cases, where people were faced with some truly grueling…

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Located in Eastern Europe and part of the former Iron Curtain, Romania does not draw in many tourists compared to many other nations within the European Union. Nevertheless, in recent years their numbers has been steadily rising to an annual total of 9.3 million international tourists. Given its geography and geopolitical past, the country has…

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It is somewhat safe to say that, without transportation, we wouldn’t have gotten anywhere. The discovery of fire, speech, writing, and all the other man-made inventions, have definitely brought us a long way. But without the ability to transport these inventions to other parts of the world, many of them would have simply faded back…

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