Efforts to destroy a soldier’s psychology are just as important in destroying his body during wartime. Throughout history, propagandists have served the purpose of draining the will of opposing armies. Oftentimes, a country will even employ people from the opposing side’s nation to show that either there is little merit in the enemy’s efforts or…
Author: Christopher Fried
The word “gospel” literally means good word. From the 1st century onward, professed Christians have tried preaching their message in the language of the people whom they encounter. Because many languages in the past existed merely as spoken languages, without any written literature, it was difficult to discuss the doctrines of the scriptures with these…
Science fiction writers often live solitary, private lives, but those lives can be stranger than their fiction. What you may think you know about the genre and its authors may be wrong, and you may have missed some fascinating facts completely. 10. William Gibson Doesn’t Care About Technology Anyone familiar with cyberpunk would recognize the…
The 150 year anniversary of the American Civil War is almost finished. Surprisingly, as interested as Americans are in this period, there hasn’t been much fanfare or commemoration of events. Some historians say that interest in the war is decreasing steadily. Even the number of tourists at Gettysburg in 2013 was down from decades ago.…
King Solomon says in Ecclesiastes, “To the making of many books there is no end and much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh.” Maybe that’s why the literary canon appears both in flux and static. Since there are so many authors to choose from, it’s easiest to defer to the judgment of professors,…