Yes, of course! Insane mass murderers, serial killers and spree slayers did exist before the 1900s. You may have heard a lot about modern-day serial killers like Jeffery Dahmer, Ted Bundy and Andrei Chikatilo but surprisingly, these serial killers had much less of a chance of getting away with murder. Before the 1900s, serial killers…
Author: Daniel Hill
Most species have a shelf life and, once that expires, so does the animal. Others, however, take the Twinkie approach to life, in that they never, ever go away. Like the great-great grandmother who’s survived dozens of family members over the years, here are ten species that clearly intend to hang around until the planet’s inevitable heat death.
While the overwhelming majority of the world is still religious, the number of people who reject it in favor of atheism and rational thinking grows every year. Many well-known thinkers, scientists, writers, and even comedians are spearheading this new age of skepticism, which will almost certainly keep growing for years to come.