As long as humans have existed we’ve been trying to kill each other. In order to do it properly, however, we need the energy given to us by food. As a result, the world is naturally full of marvelously efficient individuals who go after two birds with one stone through the power of weaponized food.…
Author: Andy Munro
At some point, most of us have probably gone to work despite being sick, or suffered a sports injury or kept right on playing. We tend to feel like a bit of a badass when we do, soldiering on through the adversity. And then there are people who take that to the next level by…
Everyone’s seen a bat before. They’re basically the slightly less feathery and way more furry birds of the night, flapping their way around the place until they find a nice big hairdo to get stuck in, the owner of which they’ll probably infect with rabies. Even if it’s not about to turn into a hungry…