Browsing: Misc

Sometimes we are at a loss for where a top 10 list should go and that means we toss it here. Sure, some lists defy categorization, but Miscellaneous is a category, right?

Even if you got an A+ in English, chances are you’re still not fluent in it. It’s not entirely your fault though; society has a bad habit of taking certain words and using them incorrectly for so long, and so often, that actually using them properly makes you look like an idiot. it’s time for that to change.

Jack LaLanne was more than a fitness guru — he was THE fitness guru, sent from the planet Pushup to school all us mere mortals on how to properly sculpt a set of abs. His daily routine was so absurdly impressive that the only sane conclusion one can possibly reach is that he was a superhero. Need proof? Click here, and ye shall find.

A murder-suicide involving a celebrity is always horrible and tragic, even though we only knew them as celebrities. Usually, these entertainers seemed well-off emotionally, which leaves us all wondering what in the world happened. Here are ten of the more famous examples of celebrities offing themselves and others in the worst manner imaginable.