Doctors are said to be people that help those who are sick or in need of medical treatment. Most doctors are seen as benevolent towards society as a whole, but maybe not by those people who need to get their routine vaccinations.
Though we hope our doctors are nothing less than helpful and trustworthy, throughout history, there have been extremely evil doctors who have ruined lives, and even killed some of their patients. Here is a list of ten doctors that surely aren’t ones to go to for your regular check-up.
10. Jack Kevorkian
An extremely controversial topic in today’s world, Jack Kevorkian is known for ending the lives of his terminally ill patient’s through assisted suicide. He was a champion for the right and is often quoted saying “dying is not a crime.” It is said that he allowed 130 or more of his patients to die with his help. Kevorkian created his own euthanasia machines that would allow a patient to die two ways. The first was the “Thanatron”, which used an IV to inject the patient with saline, sodium thiopental, and potassium chloride. He also used the “Mercitron,” which involved a gas mask that utilized carbon monoxide. Eventually, his actions were investigated and he was arrested on charges of second-degree murder and served jail-time from 1999-2007, but today is on parole.
9. Walter Freeman
Though not your normal physician, Walter Freeman was a neurologist that graduated from Yale and the University Of Pennsylvania Medical School. Even though he didn’t set out with malicious intentions, Freeman completed over 3500 lobotomies within the U.S., most notably Rosemary Kennedy and many others. While today lobotomies are rarely used, Freeman helped to perfect them and made his claim to fame after being able to complete them successfully and “heal” the patient. However, Freeman seemed to become very zealous; using an ice pick from his kitchen to complete a lobotomy, completing over 20 lobotomies in a day without use of a surgeon, and even allowing the media to watch a lobotomy be performed that ultimately ended in death, as the ice pick slipped into the patient’s brain. Believe it or not, Freeman seemed unbothered by the man’s death and continued on to do another surgery.
8. Harry Howard Holmes (Herman Mudgett)
Harry Howard Holmes, born was Herman Mudgett, was the first serial killer to be hanged in America. He went to the University of Michigan Medical School in 1884 to become a doctor. During this time, he often stole bodies from the school laboratory and disfigured them, and then claimed that the people had been killed accidentally. Through this, he was able to collect insurance from policies that he took out on each person. After he graduated, he moved to Chicago. Here, he convinced a local pharmacy worker to allow him to take over ownership of a hotel. At the hotel he experimented with bodies, often letting the women he chose to be victims suffocate to death. The bodies were often dissected, stripped of their flesh and made into skeleton models. He then sold the bodies to medical schools.
7. Arnfinn Nesset
Though technically not a doctor but studying to be one, Arnfinn Nesset was a Norwegian nurse who was charged with killing 22 of his patients. All 22 of them were killed with a deadly injection of Curacit, which is a muscle relaxing drug. Because of the choice of drug, the investigation to find Nesset guilty of his crimes was hard. Curacit is a drug that overtime becomes very hard to trace within the body. The investigation lasted two years and by the end of his five month trial, he was convicted of killing all 22 people and was given 21 years in prison, which is the maximum in Norwegian law. In 2004 he was released, and is said to be living under a different name somewhere in Norway.
6. Carl Clauberg
One of two Nazi German medical doctors on the list, Carl Clauberg was one of the many doctors who conducted experiments at many Nazi concentration camps, specifically Auschwitz. After receiving the rank of chief doctor and studying gynecology, he became the professor of gynecology at the University of Königsberg. After becoming a Nazi in 1933, Clauberg, in 1942, approached Heinrich Himmler and suggested experiments concerning mass sterilization for women. Himmler agreed and assigned Clauberg to Block number 10 in the camp. Clauberg desperately wanted to find a cheap and easy way to sterilize women. Often times he used liquid acid which was injected into a woman’s uterus. The women whose ovaries were damaged had them removed and then sent to Berlin for more research. Sometimes patients were killed in order for autopsies to be conducted. It is said that 300 women were experimented on during this time. Eventually Clauberg was arrested, released, and arrested again, but died before his trial.
5. John Bodkin Adams
John Bodkin Adams was a general practitioner who had a life full of killing and fraud. It is said that from 1946-1956, over 160 of his patients died suspiciously. Out of those who died, 132 of them left money or other valuables for him in their wills, which later were found to be fraudulent and written by Adams himself. To kill his patients, Adams often used prescription drugs or painkillers which were given in excess, which in the end killed the patient. He was found suspicious and eventually taken to trial after many noticed that a lot of his patients were dying quickly and at a fast pace. He was also charged for fraud, as he signed and wrote a patient’s will without notice. His case did, however, established the double effect in legal terms, which is when a doctor will give treatment in hopes of relieving pain, but will also shorten life.
4. Harold Shipman
Harold Shipman stands as the only British doctor in history that has been found guilty of murdering his patients. Many say he is the most widely known prolific serial killer in history. He has been convicted of killing 218 people, but the real number might be double that, since some of the victims could not be identified. In 1974 he became a general practitioner in West Yorkshire, and a year later was found forging prescriptions for pethidine for personal use. He was fined but was able to continue to work. Over time, many of his patients died, mostly due to an injection of diamorphine. Many were concerned about the ever-growing number of cremation forms Shipman was countersigning. He was also charged with forging a patient’s will. Though set to serve a lifetime sentence after being convicted of 15 murders in January 2000, Shipman was put into jail for four years, but on January 13, 2004 hanged himself in his prison cell.
3. Michael Swango
Though only legally accused of three murders, many say that Michael Swango killed at few as 30 people, but as many as 60 during his career as a doctor in several different states and medical facilities. It all started when he entered Southern Illinois University Medical School and was said to have a fascination with dying patients. After graduating, despite being expelled, he was accepted for an internship at Ohio State University. On the floors that he worked on, nurses often saw that these patients, who were once healthy, would die without warning. At one point, a nurse saw him injecting something into a patient who later became ill. After losing the internship he went back to Inllionis and worked as an E.M.T., where he would poison the paramedics. He was eventually arrested for possession of arsenic and other types of poison. After more deaths and conflict, Swango was caught, and admitted to killing three of his patients. Today, Swango is serving his life term in ADX Florence.
2. Shiro Ishii
Shiro Ishii was a Japanese microbiologist as well as a physician. He was the lieutenant general of Unit 731, which was a biological warfare unit during the Second Sino-Japanese War. Despite being known as pushy and self-centered, Ishii excelled in school and was stationed at the 1st Army Hospital in Toyko. Those who supervised him were highly impressed, and he received post-graduate medical schooling at Kyoto Imperial University. In 1942, Ishii began his tests on germ warfare by using bombs, firearms, and other methods. He tested the germs on Chinese POWs as well as on civilians. He did at time use the weapons on the battlefield. In any case, Ishii took human experimentation into his own hands, and it is said that tens of thousands of people died, due to weapons that exposed anthrax, cholera, the bubonic plague, and others. He also did other experiments on people such as forced abortions, simulated heart attacks, strokes, hypothermia, and frostbite, and even vivisections.
1. Josef Mengele
As a German SS Officer as well as a Nazi physician, Josef Mengele is probably the most widely-known name on this list. Known as the “Angel of Death” or even “Beautiful Devil,” Mengele was the main physician in charge of determining which prisoners were best to keep as forced laborers, and who were too weak and needed to be killed. Not only did Mengele choose the fate of millions, he also was widely known for his human experiments. At Auschwitz, Mengele was highly interested in learning more about heredity and often did experiments on identical twins. It is said that he took 10 of them, put them to sleep and then used chloroform to kill them, and dissected each of them to compare the bodies. He also did an experiment were two twins were sewn together by their veins to make conjoined twins. Besides these experiments, he also conducted experiments on how to change eye color by injected dye into the iris, amputating limbs and attempting to reattach them, and sterilizing women.
This article uses material from Wikipedia articles
Jack Kevorkian should be on the list of top 10 greatest doctors
He did risk everything he lost everything to fight a evil law that dose force sick people insane day to live an insane nightmare.
You have to be a very evil person to want to see someone in pain like having the **** kicked out of you everyday for 30 years and think one person willing to do something is wrong.
Why are people so evil ? Seeing on this list just shows me how evil people can be.
I want know why he is on here plz tell us why you would do something like this he is a hero!!!!
I don’t think Jack Kevorkian should be on this list. What he did was also with the consent of a terminally ill patient. The patient wanted to die, and probably for good reason. A terminal illness can become nothing short of torture.
While not perhaps as evil as the people on this list, I think the doctors who perform infant male (or female, but more common among males in the west) genital mutilation that goes by the softer name of ‘circumcision’ deserve to be considered as evil. I’m not sure if mr Kellogg was a doctor but he sure was a charlatan, a quack and he was the one who promoted this and brought it forward. I know millions in our country and in other countries are suffering from the results of these doctors, and don’t even know it, or know the full extent of what was taken from them or the trauma they suffered and still probably carry (I don’t either, but I’m trying to grow my awareness)
There are other evil things doctors do, like overperscribe, induce labor in women when not necessary, rather than letting nature take it’s course and trying to accomodate to nature rather than making nature accomodate to them, injecting them with fake oxytocin, which changes everything about childbirth from then on out, etc. Also doctors playing God, or having an atttitude of that.. Medicine- I think some medicine is necessary, just like some government, but too much becomes a plague on our society and culture, and we have long past exceeded that point. For the most part I think the medical model is flawed. I think it’s the healthy living model that is correct, only we need some medicine in certain cases as support, but that is or should be rare.
Please help me make circumcision end, if only for human rights and social justice issues. If you were cut as a boy, you can grieve, you can work to restore some form of skin, and you can speak out for the next generation. There is a path of healing although it does leave a lot to be desired. 🙁
I used to live in the house where Harold Shipman was born in Nottingham, UK.
True story.
if you think these guys are bad waitb till you see the doctors of death coming out of australia in the next year or two
they are nothing but nazi trained murderers and future war criminals well trained to the point of conning the australian government very well
Wouter Basson. How is he not on the list?
He was hired by the South African government to create “ethnic weapons” that killed or sterilized only people of a certain race. A real bioweapon prodegy.He was also on the British, American and Israeli payroll probably for his efforts to create means to assassinate people without any traces. Of course all that was tested on patients(meaning blacks who were given to him).The dude still lives and he is free and he is still practitioning. Not to forget he boasts with his cruelties.
Swango was an EMT in Quincy, IL. One of the other EMTs that he poisoned was the brother of a former childhood neighbor of mine. I was born and raised in Quincy, and still live here – and other than the occasional history lesson, Swango’s name NEVER comes up. It’s actually a little strange.
I'm not going to waste my time getting too upset about this, as it's really not worth it, but I felt I should say something. Any informed, rational person would agree that Jack Kevorkian is not an evil man. I'm really sick of that bullshit. That being said, where is Dr. Heinrich Gross on that list? Surely he was more "evil" than Kevorkian is. How sad that his name didn't make the list, and that Kevorkian's did.
I don't see How Kevorkian was evil. He just help people carry their wishes of not having to suffer when they were going to die in the near future painfully.
Bravo! What a pleasant surprise, not one comment defending the absurd selection of Dr. Kevorkian as "evil". I certainly would have expected there to be at least one "fundie" to have voiced his or her disapproval with the idea "playing God" or some such nonsense.
Very well done people.
Kevorkian is good man who broke the law for all the right reasons. To call him evil is offensive.
About Mengele-Ishii comparison – death in gas chamber was definitely better than by vivisection.
Shiro Ishii was f*** beast. I've read a lot about him, he definitely should be No.1 on this list, unfortunately USA helped him avoid justice.
The world gives these villans publicity yet with my many life saving inventions I cannot get newspapers intrested!
Son of TV inventor John Logie Baird
I was half expecting Doctor Evil to show up on this list as a joke 😛
As for the people saying that Josef Mengele should not be number 1, he did technically kill millions of people who he deemed to weak for labor. But his experiments were more out of curiosity then some sick pleasure, as with some others on this list.
This list was going to be fun to read, I was all for it until the first doctor you listed was of Kevorkian. He doesn't deserve to be put on this list, since he has WILLING patients who wanted to die by his hands. This website list sucks.
Jack.Kevorkian was definitely no "EVIL DOCTOR" and not in the same league as Dr Josef.Mengele or Dr Jack.Shipman its akin to comparing Dr Robert Oppenheimmer to Ossama Bin Laden in the invention of "Human Destruction".
"Euthanasia" for terminally ill patients has been debated since decades and found favour in most societies, hence, the publicity of Dr Jack.Kevorkian's work with terminally ill patients has captured the imagination of "Religious doctrines" as well as laymen. Agreed, "Euthanasia" can be mis-used by a terminally ill patient's relatives for gaining access to the patients wealth, hence a lot odf "Court Protocol" is followed before conducting "euthanasia". Jack.Kervokian never profited from the death of his patients , unlike the other infamous evil doctors grouped with him and in fact was doing a "Social service" to his patients by allowing them to die in dignity, instead of living on "Mechanical life support systems".I personally would prefer "EUTHANASIA" if terminally ill rather than being kept "COMATOSE" on life support systems.
And you wonder why people are scared of doctors
Jack kevorkian over Joseph Mengele? Really? Come on? He shouldn't even be on that list with those others. Not saying what he did was the right or wrong thing to do but dang….. come on be serious.
i suggest you read again. Kevorkian was 10th, Mengele 1st.
Ah i see now lol i did miss that
That isn’t the point – Kervorkian should not rate on any “evil” list at all!
It’s obvious that this list was put together by a right-winger who has a head more full of faithful self-righteous than mercy. How righteous can one really be anyway, when they will happily prolong the torture of your condition and call it “god’s will” just to gratify their sanctimonious egos? How merciful is their god which would prolong such torture?
Jack Kervorkian could have just as easily enriched himself without helping anybody die, but he did what his conscience compelled him to do, and for this he was unjustly punished by a society that dares not cross the dictates of prominent American religious leaders. Therefore, you should think again before you ever say that religion in society is at worst harmless.
But the person I replied to claimed Kevorkian was higher than Mengele.
Whoever wrote this obviously ran out of evil doctors and had to put Kevorkian in the picture to make it an even 10. He is nowhere near evil. He is as pure and good as it gets.
Kevorkian should not be on this list.
I've been thinking a lot on this. Kevokian isn't evil. Suicide isn't evil (though some religions disagree). But I do see the potential for evil there. For example, the elderly patients who aren't really that ill, but are persuaded by greedy family members to kill themselves. Or for bioethics enthusiasts who would argue for those who aren't able to make the decision, the handicapped and mentally challenged. After all, "why waste good money on them" would be their battle cry. It'd be down to dollars and cents for treatment plans, rather than what good could be done for the patient. However, Kevokian isn't evil for opening the door to this. No more than good ole' Ben Franklin is for the electric chair.
Kevorkian is evil because he actually listened to his patients, how dare he. He should have insisted on treating the patients, prolonging their agony and made sure they died in pain, mental anguish and without a shred of dignity or respect.
He can't play god and help people die, his job is to force them live. I wonder why some people say he can't play god and assist them, that evil: but its ok to keep a person alive artificially, loaded with pain killers, machines breathing for them and that isn't playing god.
Deceased patients don’t spend money on heathcare and perscription drugs, so why help them end their suffering when you can still squeeze a few more bucks out of them by delaying the inevitable? The almight $ may be a factor in why assisted suicide is not legal.
I'll agree with everyone else. Kevorkian was not evil.
I every with everyone else above me: How could you possibly consider Kevorkian "evil"?
Why is Swango higher than Shipman?
I’ve only read about Shiro Ishii once because he scared the *censored* out of me. I can see him as the epitome of medical evil.
… apparently he was not evil enough for the secret US bio-weapon research units with which he went on to collaborate.
Jack Kevorkian is not evil. Period.
Ishii should should be an easy number one – the terrible things he did to people (especially females) during his time with Unit 731 make Mengele look more like House than a terror. Mengele seemed to actually have convinced himself that he was doing some sort of "good", while Ishii's only aims seemed to be terror and torture. He completely reduced prisoners to objects, removing all semblances of their humanity (ostensibly to make the "research" easier to commit to them.
(Beware -graphic pictures on those sites)
Click my name to visit the first site…Again, beware, very graphic examples of Ishii's work within.
Well, he is at the top of the list, but in any case I think he's told too many lies for people to really know what went on.
The fact that he videotaped one of these assisted suicides happening is enough for me to put him on the list. But I agree, not evil in intensions, maybe just how he went about things.
i'm bound to spark a bunch of anti-euthanasia debates, but i can't say i consider a man like jack kevorkian to be "evil", unless his intent was to help them die by means of some sort of entertainment. if the people he helped die were terminally ill beyond any hope of recovery or remission, he was ultimately ending their pain and suffering rather than prolonging it… so what is so heinous about letting a person die peacefully and as painlessly as possible and maybe with a little more dignity than perhaps they might by slowly succumbing to their illness?
I agree. Kevorkian certainly wasn't evil in his intentions.
Kevorkian evil?! Surely NOT!! I suggest you stay by the bedside of a terminally ill patient. Experience their pain and loss of dignity.
I agree. He is not evil at all, and it is unfortunate that he is on this list. I normally don't comment, but putting him in the same class as a Mengele is wrong. Whether one believes that a person should die as they choose or not, Jack Kevorkian was merely out to provide a service that there is an actual demand for. I know that if I am ever in a position where I am facing a long, drawn out and ugly death, I'll be booking in at Dignitas, just as many people do.
I totally agree. Keeping euthanasia illegal is outrageous. The idea, that if made legal, people will be using assisted suicide in droves is completely ridiculous. I hope that when the time comes, if I need it, I have a choice.
I just wanted to add that Dr. Kevorkian passed away on June 3 2011 after four years he was released on parole on June 1, 2007.