Japan has become one of the most shocking nations on the planet. Or more precise one of the nations that likes to shock people the most. There is no such phrase as “gone too far” for the Japanese. The image of that country has been tarnished forever ever since Google was first turned on, when it became less about ninjas and Godzilla and more about bizarre game shows and traumatizing sex fetishes.
The only thing left really is concentrating on the more adorable kind of Japanese zaniness that relates to their odd food choices. With this, here are the 10 Weirdest Japanese Snacks and Drinks.
10. Candy Squid
When you are living on an island, it’s natural that most of your daily diet will come from the sea, and the Japanese have proven over the years that if it swims, they will eat it without exception. This is the nation that willingly eats Fugu for Pete’s sake, a fish so poisonous that unless you prepare it correctly you will die very painfully. Compared to that, candied squid seems almost sane… the key word being “almost”.
You can get these at any convenience store or on a stick during a traditional Japanese festival. Funny thing though, the candied squid isn’t actually sweet (don’t ask how that works) and often comes in such appetizing flavors as “Cod Roe” or “Spicy Korean Cabbage.”
9. Cheese Drink
The product of the NEEDS cheese factory in Hokkaido, the Cheese Drink has allegedly been produced to raise cheese awareness in Japan. It is estimated that over 20 million Japanese kids don’t know what real cheese looks like* and more than 30% of all Japanese adults think you can get cancer from touching cheese ** so what the NEEDS company is doing is actually very noble indeed***, slowly easing the society to the idea that cheese is not evil. Because it’s not like they simply had a full batch of industrial grade cheese-byproduct liquid and decided to sell it to the general populi. Nah, couldn’t be.
The cheese drink can also be used as salad dressing.
* Completely false.
** Made up on the spot.
*** Not in the least.
8. Rose Sweat Gum
Aptly and yet very horrifyingly named “Otoko Kaoru” (“Man Smelling Sweetly”) this product is a brand of chewing gum that makes your sweat smell like roses.
Believe it or not, there actually is a very good explanation for this product. The Japanese spend a great portion of their lives in the overcrowded public transportation systems (according to my calculations, if you add the hours every Japanese man spends in a train and multiply it by a Billion, you get a really large number). Can you imagine what would happen if 50 of these old Japanese dudes started sweating their natural manly musk?
Suddenly the gum doesn’t sound so crazy after all. Hell, it should probably be made mandatory for some people. You know the type I mean.
7. Cream Collon Biscuits
What would you do if I came in to your office (assuming you had an office and were the head of a major candy company) and proposed a new type of biscuit snack in the shape of small tubes filled with cream? You would probably let me keep talking, cause that doesn’t sound so bad. OK, but then just how many guards you would send after me if I said I wanted to name this new snack “Collon”, without the slightest bit of irony? 5, 20 guards?
If your answer was anything more than zero then sadly you do not have what it takes to be the president of Glico, the biggest candy company in Japan and the proud manufacturers of the Cream Collon snack. See Japan, this is why everybody is laughing AT you, not WITH you. It’s things like that.
6. Curry Lemonade
Ah, curry and lemonade, together at last! Wait, what?! This has got to be either a joke or some sort of Fear Factor merchandise tie-in. But we all know that is not the case, otherwise it wouldn’t make the list. No use fighting it, let’s just acknowledge that somewhere in Japan there is a person (a whole lot of persons to boot) who willingly swig curry flavored lemonade. Let’s now acknowledge that this is really freaky.
Oh, and look at the label: “A miraculous collaboration of curry and lemonade”. Can’t argue that this product is a miracle. This Curry Lemonade had to be devised, presented in front of a group of businessmen, taste-tested and then marketed. And during that time no one stopped to say “Guys, isn’t this product actually very strange?” A miracle if I ever saw one…
5. Scallops and Mayo Flavored Chips
When I was a kid, we used to have these Ketchup favored crisps and even then I thought of that as a little bit weird, so imagine how I must feel about scallops and mayonnaise flavored chips from Japan. The answer: somewhere between “Ghwaa…?” and “Oh sweet lord, no…”
The fact of the matter is that the snack business in Japan is humongolarge. Unless you have literally millions of dollars to throw into a marketing campaign that will employ a new type of science ray that injects commercials straight into people’s dreams, the only way for your brand to stand out over there is coming up with really bizarre flavors. And thus, the Scallops & Mayonnaise Chips from Calbee were born. Just be thankful they didn’t go with their other idea: Dog Turd Crisps.
4. Bizarre Pepsi Flavors
Same as with the snack business, you really need a gimmick in order for your drink to stand out east of China. This applies even to giants as Pepsi, who during the course of several years came up with such Japan-exclusive Pepsi flavors as: Yogurt, Cucumber and Shiso (which is something like a cross between basil and mint).
None of those really stuck around, proving that even the complex Japanese pallet could not handle such atrocities against God for long, but who knows what the future might bring? Pepsi is undeniably second to Coca Cola in Japan (they even sell Coca Cola brand water over there, believe it or not) so they will probably keep coming up with more and more original flavors. Pepsi Kitten Blood perhaps? Who knows?
3. Roasted Baby Crabs
This is a very sad entry…
These are actual crab babies we are talking about. Roasted crab babies. It might just be me but I keep getting this image of a Daddy, Mommy and Junior crab playing together in their underwater house when suddenly the kid is yanked out in a net and roasted alive for the gluttonous needs of sadistic Japanese. It’s sadder than 20 orphans watching “Bambi” for the first time. Let’s just move to the next item…
2. Eel Soda
The “Surging Eel” fizzy pop is a carbonated yellow liquid made out of *SPOILERS* eel. It is produced by the Japanese Tobacco Company. No, it doesn’t make sense even to me, so don’t worry about it.
Now, I do have to acknowledge that the eel is a delicacy in Japan, but bottling and selling it as a soft drink has to be against some kind of law. Hell, if not court laws then I am willing to invoke the law of God if I have to. The western equivalent of this monstrosity would be… I don’t know, to bottle an entire Thanksgiving dinner in soda form? Which of course would never happen because no one is that crazy and… (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jones_Soda#Limited_Editions)…Dammit.
1. Meat Flavored Ice-cream
You see those? Those are, in order, Beef Tongue, Horse and Chicken Wings flavored ice-cream. HORSE!
There is absolutely nothing I could think of to excuse this. So OK, beef tongue is quite often eaten in Japan. It tastes simply delicious when cooked over some charcoals and washed down with a beer. Chicken wings? KFC is everywhere here. Then there is HORSE…!
I just don’t get it.
How in the world did any of those end up as ice-cream? Now that I think about it, I am starting to fear for my life. Because you know, if already the Japanese are scrapping the bottom of the idea barrel for new meat themed ice cream like HORSE and all, how long will it take them to try and package us, the foreigners, into the mix? Filthy-Foreigner Ice Cream… I can already see it.
Also – HORSE!
I found this article through msn.co.jp and was surprised to find it was by Cezary Jan Strusiewicz of Cracked.com fame.
They sap it completely of humor and butcher the hell out of it in the “quotes” though.
Here’s my rough translation back into English of the horse one. 😛
“I can’t believe there’s beef tongue, raw horse, and chicken wing ice cream, but it actually exists in Japan. Horse… Horse! I can’t come up with a reason to tolerate this. I often eat beef tongue, so that’s fine, but aside from Japanese people, I expect horse to be out of the question. And I can’t see why you’d make it into ice cream.”
The British newspaper The Daily Mail reports that every year, 100,000 live horses are transported into and around the European Union for human consumption, mainly to Italy but also to France and Belgium.
Italy is world’s 5th most producer of horse meat for human consumption and Japan is not even scored within 10th.
Europeans eat more horse meat than Japanese.
Yeah, that was my response as well… “Don’t they eat horse meat in, like, Austria too?!”
The bad translation that suggests that only Japan would eat horse is lame. Now horse ice cream? Yeah, that’s pretty much only Japan, but it’s getemono there as well – that ice cream company specializes in weird stuff, much like the companies that make scorpion lollipops in the U.S.
Huh, japan is weird…
We work to be able to travel and see ‘weird’ things and eat ‘weird’ food. It’s the experiene of a different culture that is so compelling to me. I love to see how different countries, different people live, eat, work, socialize. I haven’t been to Japan (yet!), but I can hardly wait. We’ve come home sick from eating from vendor carts in alleys, LOL, and it’s all part of the fun and excitement. And I’d do it all over again, no matter where I am (though I doubt that will be a problem in Japan) What’s the point of thinking everything different is bad? Even if I don’t eat it (cuy in Peru, probably won’t try horse ice cream in Japan), it’s intriguing to see and know about. I am American, from the South, and I’m pretty sure not only those in other countries, but other Americans would think some of the foods I grew up with are ‘weird’. That’s ok with me. It’s just part of learning and sharing with each other. But I am not overweight, nor do I eat in restaurants frequently, drive a huge car, or any of the other perceptions about Americans, though I can see where one would get that impression. Whenyou visit the US, you will see parts and pieces of our culture, and I hope you are interested and come away enlightened and maybe with some ‘wow, they eat WHAT?!?’ stories from here.
I live in Japan and, aside from the collon biscuits, I’ve never even seen any of these snacks or drinks. That guy had to dig pretty deep to come up with this stuff, some of which might be weird to the average Japanese too.
Regardless, don’t be so closed-minded. Different cultures have different tastes. Have you even tried half the things on this list? The list could have been funny if it weren’t accompanied by the most racist drivel I’ve come across in ages.
Oh, and I’ve never seen people lap up milk and dairy products like they do here (except in the US). They love cheese, and anything creamy. Lots of people eat toast with jam for breakfast and spaghetti bolognese or KFC for dinner here. The only flavor of ice cream I’ve seen here that I haven’t seen in other countries is sweet red bean.
If you want weird food, how about Spam or turducken? 70% of Americans* eat rattlesnake and cactus fries too.
* Made up on the spot (the number, not the food)
?3. Roasted Baby Crabs
It’s not baby but adult?Japanese Freshwater Crab (Geothelphusa dehaani).
Eel soda and curry lemonade is simply hilarious. Love to try it once. Not sure if I will love it. Great list!
I love these ‘weird’ sites, because what’s weird to me is also interesting. I hope to visit Japan and taste (some of) these things; it’s good to know what to look for!
I have some ‘weird’ food habits of my own that are probably passed down through family tradition; some people say ‘ewww’; I just say they are my comfort foods and perfectly normal to me.
As for horse, I can’t eat it because I’ve had horses as pets. Same with dog and cat. Heck, I’m having trouble with fish now, as I have set up an aquarium and have gotten to ‘know’ the fish as pets. So that’s probably the sticking point with a lot of people. We went to Peru, and as much as I wanted to eat the ‘normal’ things there, I could not do ‘cuy’, which is guinea pig. I’ve had guinea pigs as pets. So that is my personal limit. Each to their own.
My husband’s family is Lao, so some of the things perfectly normal in SE Asia and in his family are gross to me. We kind of trade back and forth; they take what they like of my culture and leave what they can’t stomach. Same with me and theirs. I’ve discovered a lot of cool stuff because of them, but there are some things I’ll probably never try. That’s ok, as long as nobody gets offended or mad. It’s just the way you are raised and what you are/are not comfortable with.
You want strange? Check out some of the sites with what women crave when they are pregnant! The body is wise enough to know what it needs and when to eat it.
It’s all good, and endlessly fascinating.
Horse? Is there a problem with eating horse. We even eat horse here in Germany. Well actually I can say Germans find these kind of things coming from Japan less weird and disgusting than Americans do.
What about Dolley Madison’s love of Oyster Ice Cream?
While I’m not sure if I would eat beef tongue (I won’t even eat that without the ice cream) or the horse, I might try the chicken. Of course I HAVE had buffalo and really like it, so perhaps horse wouldn’t be too much of a stretch.
And the Collon things – they look like these little pretzels filled with cheese – some are pizza or cheeseburger flavored – we get here in the states.
As for the cucumber pepsi – I would love to try that.
And someone mentioned Pocky – I LOVE pocky – especially the strawberry.
How dare you rag on Rose Sweat Chewing Gum? Didn’t you realize it’s SUGARLESS?
Don’t know nuthin’ ’bout no cucumber Pepsi, but at our local Safeway I get 8 0r 10 bottles of Mr. Q Cumber every week as it’s my favorite soda. It’s the only one I’ve ever discovered that tastes good warm.
I wonder of the average Japanese person has eve eaten crocodile. I have and it’s delicious.
I suspect most Japanese people would consider us weird and revolting because we eat that white stuff in the middle of Twinkies. What the heck IS that, anyway?
Anyway, very funny list, Cesary, and I hope the P.Cl. crowd didn’t get you down.
I read something once that said, “If Americans are considered to be a freak show, than going to Japan is like getting a back stage pass.” Haha, these are crazy products. “Cream of Colon?? Meat ice cream??”
ketchup chips are my fave kind! i didnt realize there weird. there one of the most popular kinds in canada. and all-dressed chips, and curry chips. yumm. all dressed is the best. those fried crabs and dried squid look good, id eat that no prob. i dont understand why that seems weird, i live on the east coast of canada, and we eat like.. fried eels, crab, squid and seal 🙂
Silentangel13 said it right!! I doubt the author is actually bashing a culture the article is suppose to be comical! I’m getting tired of people constantly harping on everybody else just because they aren’t being PC, they are immediately cast off as being narrow minded. Maybe its a joke? calm the f*ck down. yes yes yes EVERYONE has an opinion and you know what? everyone has an a**hole and in the case of some of the trolls commenting on here who don’t wanna take a joke theirs stinks!!
Fried baby soft shell crabs are available in Singapore as well. They are actually very nice. I wish they would start selling the rose mentol in India though…
I think I would actually love to try all this stuff if I had the chance to. The rosegum actually sounds pretty useful. The Pepsi Flavors also seem kinda cool.
Cucumber Pepsi…. I can’t imagine the taste….
Collon is an awesome cracker. its everywhere in my country and my school cafeteria has it
I have often heard about “Kit Kat” candy bars in Japan that come in flavors like soy, red bean and sweet potato. Yummy, I’m sure.
I’ve heard of that too, and a few other flavors that I wish we had in the states. I also heard about beef flavored Cheetos. Sounds wonderful.
Lol, i think 99% of the people being all “UGH YOURE SO NARROW-MINDED BLAH BLAH BLAH” are weaboos. seriously, grow up. the japanese are KNOWN for having odd food. i’m not saying it’s not good (though some of these things sound HIDEOUS and nobody can say that eel soda doesn’t sound gross if you’ve never had it and it probably is gross even if you’ve had it.). i love japanese culture and several of their foods. but goddamnit, can you people not catch the humor in this note? it’s supposed to be funny, not bashing another culture. once again-grow up please.
oh yeah and the collon is funny cuz it’s tubes filled with cream. and it’s called collon, like COLON. ugh, idiots…*facepalm*
What's wrong with horse? It's availible in most food-stores in Sweden.
ahahaha that's really funny, but yeah some of the things you're writing are a little different i think… i don't know, just my opinion i guess????? well here are some clarifications~
10. candy squid is an after-school snack for lots of boys and girls coming home from school!! it's not that gross!! or you can have it with a cold beer 😀
7. Cream Collon Biscuits – I'm guessing collon is an onomatopoeia for the kind of sound a cute little cream filled snack like that would make if it were rolled around a table or something – they're actually a common snack in convenience stores and such – and in japanese (at least the way it's spoken by young people…) includes a lot of onomatopoeia which are made into words (i.e.: something by making the sound it makes fit into the rigid japanese alphabet). anyways, i've had them, they're cute little biscuits filled with cream – nothing to worry about!
6. Curry "Lemonade" – it's Ramune, which is a pop soda drink (notice the bottle?), a staple of summer festivals and such – small detail but it is not lemonade lol. I saw this curry flavor being sold in Odaiba, in a tourist attraction section – think it's more of a souvenir, it's not sold regularly. needless to say, i did not buy it. oh and "fushigi" means more like "curious" than "miraculous."
5. scallops and mayo flavored chips – haha i guess eating scallops or shrimp would be unusual to someone not from japan – it's good though!!
2?eel soda: ok so it's not that bad, there's an essence of eel in it, along with other nutrients, it's an energy drink so it doesn't taste of eel lol. its to help you when you study, it's like a saying in japan….
anyways just some thoughts!!
Whats so weird about eating horse (aside from it being in ice cream?)
Whats the difference between eating a cow and eating a horse?
I think people are too quick to say "This is weird!" I'd totally try ANY of that stuff that I could eat, just to see how it tasted. What's to lose?
yeah – what IS to lose??? some people seem to treat anything strange to them as somehow radioactive! Hey – if you try it and dont like it, congratulations! It's called an experience! You cant have an opinion without it!
The people in this comments section don't seem to like it when frozen Japanese horse cream is questioned. Thinking that a type of food seems gross doesn't make you Hitler, prude. Hell, do you think that the Japanese would be offended by this list? Most of that food is probably considered junk food. HORSE!
Coke branded water is Dasani.
just a bit of a correction on #4, they sell coca cola brand water in America too its called dasani
Food from other countries is different.
Not gross.
I hate people who are so closed to the world.
Try it before you bash it.
If you were born in Japan you would never have thought that way.
And personally, I wish I knew where to get bacon flavored ice cream.
Usually people who like something will eat it in anything.
yes i super agree! weirdness is relative. westerners could be so freakin weird for the japanese lol
well said – well said!! yeah – really shocking the way some people dont eat the same junk as americans, isnt it! i'd love to try every one of these so thanks for the great list of THINGS TO LOOK OUT FOR if i ever get to japan.
I think your intolerance and inbred* prejudice stems from your inability to make friends**, which is indicated by your choice of how you spend your time: trying to sum up a whole culture with ten points and other pointless endeavors.
Bet the computer you're using was designed by someone who ate horse ice cream.
**If you had any they would have stopped you or are otherwise pretending to be friends with you***
***Which would be a total waste of time
Awwww, u mad?
hahahahah, y are you hating besides u know u take for granted that little perverted technological advanced country.
This list is pretty lame. Honestly, most of this is neither disgusting nor bizarre.
First of all, what's wrong with Pepsi releasing different flavors of soda…?
For that matter, what's wrong with Collon?? Just because of the name it's bizarre? It's not like they use the English word "colon" very often, so it's not like they would really get the joke over there, necessarily.
Now, meat in drinks or ice cream…I gotta agree with, tho'.
What's wrong with Collon?
There is a village in Ireland called Collon. It is a typical surname of French speaking countries. There is a famous Belgian journalist called Michel Collon.
Your comments won't be funny for the people living in the village or with this surname.
When I was in Japan my favorite drink was POKARI SWEAT!
I like what we call "candy squid" since my childhood.
However, let me confirm that this lovable snack is made from
"surimi (ground fish paste)" while dried squid powder is really
used for seasoning. Nevertheless that tastes good and go with
beer and Japanese sake.
candy squid is normal food!!!!!!
they are weird to us that dont live in japan but its totally normal in japan
just cause its different dont mean you should make a big deal about it
sounds like you're personally just ignorant towards others culture's food. i mean, we have stuff here that they would never try. some say milk and cereal is gross. (i say otherwise). maybe rather than mocking you should try some and not be so close minded.
I didn't think ketchup chips were strange, given I've grown up with them. They're my favorite flavor! As for the rest of this, ick. Especially considering the seafood involved (if it lives in water I don't eat it).
The pepsi flavours don't seem too weird, there are people who like to put cucumber in their water. So I suppose it's not a big stretch.
Ya, but their Ice Coffee floats and Red Bean Sherbert are to die for! Please do an article on delicious asian foods that need to be more available to North Americans. And I did enjoy the dried packaged squid. I stocked up on it then realized after I got home that it was available here in the ethnic section of the grocerie store. I'm sure there are foods we eat that is considered disgusting to other cultures.
You forgot pepper flavored food drops. Yes, pepper flavored candy.
quote: "they even sell Coca Cola brand water over there, believe it or not"
and, what exactly do you think Dasani (coca cola's brand name of tap water) and Aquafina (Pepsico's brand name of tap water) are?
Whoever wrote this sounds like a right narrowminded, intolerant person.
Or someone suffering from culture shock.
I thought it was just me thinking that.
Yeah, I see a lot of racist undertones here, I wish someone else had written this, because it is curious and funny, but the racist undertones just destroy it all.
So you think their food is weird, but stop judging everything trough your narrow mind.
Most Americans (I pity those few skinny ones) have the custom to eat grease with grease fried in grease with greased sugar on top… until they cannot walk and get small cars to drive around sponsored by burger king and McDonalds… why? So they can get to their “restaurants” without lifting there fat asses, now that is nasty!
…you do realize not all of them are fat pigs right? And that a lot of people can eat greasy food without gaining weight because of a little thing called EXERCISE?
you know you’re just as bad as the person that wrote this ‘offensive’ article right? you blindly believe just American stereotypes? so is no one in the UK overweight and everyone is perfectly fit?
Hold on a minute…I am American and I thought this guy was being a bit racist as well –same with your comment. I agree this guy was pretty obnoxious and that it gave off a negative impression about Americans in general to you. However, you shouldn’t judge a nation by what one person posts and I apologize on everyone’s behalf (whether or not anyone wanted me to) if that was the reason you suddenly judged us but seriously, it’s not like every country doesn’t have issues with ignorance or “racism” –I put it in quotes because this guy did not seem to know he was being offensive and racist even though he was. Thank you.
I see a lot of racist undertones (and overtones) in your comment AlphaKnight. If you want to be holier than thou, perhaps start by not being the exact thing you’re trying to speak out against. Makes your words less funny in an ironic sort of way, but more impactful in a non-jerk sort of way.
..wow no calpis?
Or pocari sweat or pungency
the cucumber soda sounds alright, the lil crabs too- id just be afraid to eat them, like some of the sushi from the convience stores…
as far as the meat flavored ice cream- i dunno, about 20 years ago in america some company was advertising "doogy ice cream" (ice cream for dogs…) scary enough, those were the same flavors? and my dog wouldnt eat them-plus it never melted..?-lol
but thats culture, if were hungry we gotta eat something
Ketchup chips aren't freakin' weird.
It's just basically tomato flavoured. I guess you yanks would prefer deep fried msg chips.
I agree. Personally, I don't think it gets much weirder than the prawn cocktail crisps we get in the UK, though. They aren't bad, but they aren't good either. Salt and vinegar for me, thanks.
The horse ice cream is no weirder than the other meats–people eat raw horse in Japan. It's pretty good. (Horse is eaten in Europe, too, for the record.)
Ok, so Asian people are in our own league when it comes to food. We are big on food, and have extremely developed palate. That combined with Japanese technologies, we see these things. I will admit some of them are pretty bizarre. But we do not believe we get cancer from touching cheese!!! Where'd you get all that urban legend from??
Oh yeah, collons are really good.
Did you miss the ** that said "** Made up on the spot."?
We have a good friend who buys the crabs, so that one wasn’t shocking. Actually, many of these aren’t shocking, but that’s probably due to the fact that my mother’s Taiwanese. Different strokes for different folks. (My husband still leaves the room when I open up a package of dried cuttlefish to snack on.)
meat flavored ice cream, what the hell is that
The Pepsis intrigue me – what exactly is yogurt flavor I wonder? I think the sweat-gum would come in handy during a trip to the gym – although, I'd rather smell like Aspen or another cologne than flowers…
Cream Collon are actually pretty delicious. They are sometimes marketed as Hello Kitty Collon. It doesn't matter – they are great! They also come in chocolate and strawberry filled.
Pepsi white is still on sale haven't seen any other around though
The dried squid is not too bad. Smells like rotten fish, tastes slightly sweet., tough and chewy like jerky or rawhide.
the roasted crabs… those are not baby crabs… they're actually full grown crabs its just a different species.
#6 – If you go to an Asian market and seek out the curry leaves, pick them up and smell them. They smell a lot like kaffir lime leaves (which they're usually next to) used in Thai cooking. So no, this doesn't seem that odd to me.
I'll have to check them out. I am currently growing kaffir limes and love how they smell.
Unfortunately, it's not like that–it's flavored like Japanese curry.
Funny list. Weird foods.
Man, I thought Pocky Sticks were outrageous…
"Pepsi is undeniably second to Coca Cola in Japan (they even sell Coca Cola brand water over there, believe it or not)…" The same is true in America. Coca-Cola produces Dasani, and Pepsi produces Aquafina — the top two selling brands of bottled water (acc. to the meager statistics I could find).
Roasted baby crabs actually sound tasty. Compared to everything else on the list, it's probably the first thing I would be willing to eat.
Eel soda???!!! Eel is actually delicious, but I'm not sure that I would care to drink it. That one made my stomach turn a bit – even more so than the unusually flavored ice creams. Unappealing as it is even to me, a person that is willing to try almost anything once, there are people in the West that do eat horse and swear that it's tasty.
The roasted baby crabs are the best!! They are seasoned with sesame seeds and spices, like crunchy seafood candy! I am a seafood freak by the way but even I draw the line at Eel soda…
Just to point out, ramune (#6) is not lemonade. It's a soda pretty similar to Sprite (although that doesn't change the fact that curry- or KIMCHI flavor, which I've also seen- is pretty gross)
Also anyone who's ridden the summer rush hour train in Tokyo will tell you that they wished everyone in the car had been chewing that rose gum. Seriously.
But a soft drink like Sprite is called lemonade in the UK, for example Schweppes Lemonade.
sprite is popular in the uk too.
ok 1. schweppes is like pepsi`s retarded cousin to 7up
2. sprite is a coca-cola product and if the uk wants to call shweppes a lemonade let em but hey its actually a ginger ale.
*Schweppes #getitright
First of all, lemonade is not the same as soda. I don’t know wether it is or not in Europe, but it’s not in japan. It’s actually called the curry RAMUNE not lemonade!!! And it is delicious and that’s why a lot of japanese drinks it!!!
And the “baby crabs”those are not BABIES!!
It’s a small crab that is living in japan!! Those crabs will not be bigger!!
If people think that eating poor crabs is not good then look at americans they are killing pigs, cows,and other animals!
So you are saying that it’s ok to kill cow but not crabs???that’s just wrong!!! You are still killing living species…
I think that people should stop being racist !!!!
From my own experience, i will tell you that being treated badly because of your race is just horrible and miserable.
Anyways,people should be treated equally.
I just wanna say, before anyone judges another country….USE YOUR BRAIN! I agree! I think people should look at all the details and think before they say a thing and remember that EVERY Country in the damn world eats some sort of animal. Heck there are still countries that eat humans! Dont judge another country just because they eat roasted crabs! and not all the crabs in the damn world are as big we think! they can be tiny! And why does it matter what one country eats or drinks anyways! Whatever looks gross to eat, may actually taste great! But it seems like most people that have read and commented on this page are too picky and judgmental to even try something different.
The horse ice cream is not just horse flavored. It has actual chunks of raw horse meat in it.
The cucumber soda might be good though, I had a cucumber/vodka/ginger cocktail recently that was quite tasty.
Pepsi White made it over to North America for a limited time.
think if i dug deep enough id be able to find a bottle of that somewhere because i would love to taste just for the sheer hell of it.