Author: Rick Raule

Pet ownership is a gigantic responsibility that requires a lot of hard work and dedication which, frankly, not everyone is mature enough to handle. Choosing what type of pet to get, on the other hand, is easier than grade school algebra and your sister combined because it usually comes down to either a dog or…

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There is perhaps no greater joy in life than the feeling you get from building things with your own hands, be it making simple airplane models, or completely redoing your secret torture basement. But as with all things, there are people out there whose inventiveness and hard work can make even your greatest Do-It-Yourself projects look…

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Nick Offerman’s Ron Swanson—the fictional character on the NBC show Parks and Recreation, and possibly the only libertarian you wouldn’t like to punch in the face—has gathered a large cult following on the Internet, due to the comedy gold that often flows from his mouth like a whiskey-scented river of wisdom and steaks. And so…

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We tend to think of the 19th century as a primitive time, when the main form of entertainment was sitting around and waiting for the internet to be invented. Well, that and rampant racism, of course. But Victorian-era folks were just like you and I; they too enjoyed the finer things in life, like looking…

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Jack Donaghy, as played by Alec Baldwin on NBC’s 30 Rock, has redefined the very concepts of manliness, suit-wearingness, and handshakefulness over the years, all for the benefit of the show’s viewers. Because underneath his silver, panther-like, veneer of perfectly styled hair and business acumen, Jack Donaghy is, at heart, a mentor who wants to…

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It is not the intention of anyone here at TopTenz to insult the diverse fashion sensibilities of other countries. We believe it’s up to individual nations, regions and groups of people to decide what exactly constitutes “fashion” and no one answer could ever be the “correct” one. However, that being said, you at least have…

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Non-lethal weapons are what you get when the ideas of “not-killing” and “wanting to shoot people in the face” get into yet another screaming match and end up totally doing it on the kitchen counter.  The following morning, no words are said and eye contact is avoided, but out of such a hateful union eventually…

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The phenomenon of globalization has had a profound impact on the world we live in, from contributing to the continuous economic growth of developing nations, right down to the transmission of new ideas to help shape a more open-minded culture of the future.  It also did wonders for American guys who like to ogle pretty…

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While discussing the issue of horrible people with stupid faces it’s important to not give into emotions and start comparing everyone to Hitler.  The people on this list are, in a word, scum, but legally their crimes barely register on the Outrage-O-Meter.  However, in strictly moral terms, everyone on this list has sunk to lows…

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It’s a well known fact that paintings and art, in general, are inherently subjective things.  Sure, we can talk about “famous” art, but fame does not equal quality; at the end of the day, all talks about the best or worst art of any kind come down to one basic question:  what IS art anyway?…

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In both nature and fiction you can usually spot who the biggest badass is by how huge they are, how many scars adorn their battle-fatigued bodies or how many females line up to tell them that they don’t have any plans tonight and are up for like, whatever. But that is not always the case.…

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One of the great things about globalization is that no matter where you go, you can always find a piece of familiar Americana there to protect your senses from all the foreign devilry going on around you. Nowhere has it ever been more evident than with fast food joints. Today McDonald’s restaurants can be found…

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Words. Some of us interact with them almost every day. They’re inexpensive, portable and let us communicate our feelings rather well. Sure, you could always come up to someone and repeatedly jam your finger through a circle made with your other hand (while furiously raising and lowering your eyebrows) but words are so much more efficient. …

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Japan has become one of the most shocking nations on the planet. Or more precise one of the nations that likes to shock people the most. There is no such phrase as “gone too far” for the Japanese. The image of that country has been tarnished forever ever since Google was first turned on, when…

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