“What will the world will be like in 1,000 years” seems like an absurd question to even ask, especially since the degree to which the world changes in 100 years is overly ambitious enough to consider. Yet curious people do wonder, and certain people like Ray Kurzweil (thought by many to be the Thomas Edison…
Author: Natalie Jaro
With 2012 all but over, we thought it would be a neat bit of instant nostalgia to go ever-so-slightly back in time, and re-visit important discoveries and inventions from 2011. Scientific achievements of 2012 shall be covered next week. Narrowing the top ten discoveries of 2011 is difficult, especially since significant scientific discoveries are being…
To dwindle this list down to ten wasn’t easy, especially when child prodigies don’t appear often, and all deserve due credit. Prodigies possess highly advanced skills that appear early in life, talents that most people, after an entire lifetime of effort, rarely obtain. Of the top ten most interesting prodigies that make our list, each…
Certainly to classify the top ten most rare flowers isn’t easy especially since, according to scientists, more than 270,000 types of flowers exist (which doesn’t include the 10 to 15% of unclassified flowers in remote regions of the world). Of those that are rare, here are not only the top ten rarest flowers, but the…
Glorified for centuries with characters such as Robin Hood and Butch Cassidy, bank robbers are often portrayed as a more refined class of criminal and often romanticized in movies and novels- perhaps a bit brainier – certainly more intriguing. Here are the top 10 bank robbers of the 21st century: 10. The Agricultural Bank of…
The Bermuda Triangle, as we call it today, was coined by the writer Vincent Gaddis in 1964 when he wrote a cover story for Argosy magazine about the strange disappearance of Flight 19. Also known as ‘The Devil’s Triangle’ or the ‘Isle of Devils’, the Bermuda Triangle is popularly thought to be an area in…
For these folks, if their wedding day(s) weren’t the happiest days of their lives, then something is seriously wrong. If you thought your wedding was astronomical, try these top ten of the most extravagant weddings to date ranging from $2 million to $78 million dollars where broadcasting your wedding vows to the world is as…
Indian food is distinctive and delicious, containing a unique blend of herbs and other exotic flavors and spices. This top ten list describes some of the most common tastes to look for in Indian cuisine Try all ten and expand your palette for eating and cooking the delicacies of India. Looking to create a few…
Since the first diagnosis of autism in 1943 the number of children in the United States thought to have autism was 1 in 10,000. Now the number of children thought to have autism is 1 in 150 with autism considered more common than pediatric cancer, diabetes and AIDS combined. In the last decade we’ve all…
Of the top ten exclusive, rare and most sought after foods a few come to mind while others come as a bit of a surprise. Often these foods are quite expensive due to the rarity of the product, astronomically expensive in some cases, appearing only at the tables of the rich and famous. Of those…
It’s one of the public health’s top ten goals for the 20th century, creating a safer, more toxic-free food supply, but meanwhile virtually all food products are contaminated with various chemicals, bacteria, heavy metals, and residues from pesticides. According to many sources, Americans are exposed to what are called POPs or “Persistent Organic Pollutants” 70…
Ethology is the term used for the study of animal behavior. Strange animal behaviors can be genetically determined or learned behaviors and I have included some of both. Either way, whether learned or instinctive, these behaviors don’t change the fact that some animal behavior is just… strange. Here is my top 10: 10. Naked Mole…
How does a dance craze happen? It always begins with the music, of course. The tune sticks with you long after the song is over; the sort of tune that makes it almost impossible to sit still. Pare a catchy tune with choreography so simple that a preschooler could follow it, and you’ve got a…
Diehard fans of famous celebrities often stay the course long after their cherished idols have long since perished. Of those unforgettable iconic stars, the top ten that are the most visited are people we can reasonably guess. People like Princess Diana and Elvis, but a few may reach out and surprise you! Long after the…
Of loved movie characters, a few have stolen our hearts with the kind of admiration and unrivaled awe that other movie characters are not so easily able to achieve. The greatest of these movie characters are ones that most of us have met over the years (or at least should try to get to know if…