When you think of a “cult,” you may imagine some of the modern-day groups that believe in aliens or think that their leader is the second coming of Jesus Christ. Well, it turns out that human beings have been joining cults and heretic religions for thousands of years. Many of them have been totally forgotten…
Author: Shannon Quinn
In big-budget Hollywood films, you nearly always see intelligent supervillains who have concocted a brilliant master plan. As the audience, we’re all blown away by these evil geniuses, and some people may even think that the bad guys are equally as smart in real life. In reality, though, most of your garden-variety bad guys are…
We’ve already covered the Darwin Awards a few times before, but we’ll give a quick recap just in case you’re new here. Every year, the Darwin Awards are given posthumously to people who have rid themselves from this planet by acts of sheer stupidity. Someone can also be eligible to win a Darwin Award if…
Here at TopTenz, we’ve already gone through several rounds of the world’s worst superheroes, Florida Man and Florida Woman. We’ve also thrown in Texas Man for good measure. Today, it’s time to tell you tales that hail from the so-called Armpit of America, New Jersey. If you’ve never been there, you may have already gathered…
A little while ago, we talked about 10 things Americans do that the rest of the world finds weird. It’s only fair, then, that we turn the spotlight on another nation‘s very fine citizens: England. So get your tea and biscuits ready, because we’re going to go over some of the weirdest things you will probably…
Here on TopTenz, we’ve already covered the misadventures of Florida Man and Florida Woman. And what would the world’s worst superhero be without a sidekick? In Florida, alligators are so common some people practically treat them like dogs. But, of course, not everyone considers them to be cuddly pets. For many, alligators are an arch-nemesis,…
When people talk about cults, we often mention the most tragic stories that make major news headlines. However, there are plenty of cults out there that taught their followers things that were completely ridiculous. It’s hard to believe that so many followers agreed to go along with these teachings, but they totally have. Here are…
The United States is great for a lot of reasons, and most people who live there are proud to call themselves Americans. Even if you are the most patriotic person on the planet, you have to admit that it has plenty of eccentricities that are unlike anywhere else in the world. So we’re here to…
A little while ago, we talked about 10 things Americans do that the rest of the world finds weird. It’s only fair, then, that we turn the spotlight on another nation’s very fine citizens: England. So get your tea and biscuits ready, because we’re going to go over some of the weirdest things you will probably…
Not too long ago, we told you about some pyramid schemes that went horribly awry. Well it turns out that, as you might guess, a lot more than just 10 corrupt businesses and swindlers have existed over the years, trying to take your money one pyramid level at a time. Pyramid schemes steal an estimated…
Everyone has misplaced something at least once in their life. But there’s a huge difference between losing your car keys and losing a nuclear bomb. That’s right: there are weapons of mass destruction out there that have either been accidentally dropped, or went totally missing. Many of them are not in danger of exploding, while…
Back by popular demand, we’re bringing you part three in our series of stories about some of the dumbest people on the planet. The Darwin Awards are awarded to people who died from sheer stupidity. Or, if they survived, they did something that would guarantee that they will never reproduce to pass on their DNA……
If you’re an adrenaline junkie, you probably enjoy going on roller coasters and other high-speed theme park rides. Over the years, park owners have tried to push the envelope to make their rides faster and scarier than ever before in order to attract people to come to pay their admission fee. Sometimes, the attempt to…
Here at TopTenz, we have already talked about both Florida Man and Florida Woman (with a little Texas Man thrown in for good measure). The news has some of the strangest stories coming out of the Sunshine State, where headlines about Florida Man are the gift that keeps on giving. That’s why we have decided to…
For a huge part of human history, there were plenty of places left that remained a mystery. But in modern times, it seems like every square inch of the planet is accessible for anyone who has the time, money, and desire to get there. However, there are still plenty of places that truly are forbidden…
In today’s world, almost everyone is taking selfies on a regular basis. It doesn’t seem to matter if you look exactly the same as you did yesterday. People feel obligated to document every single thing they do and post it online. In fact, if you don’t take selfies… do you even exist? But… seriously, though. The…
Texas is the second largest state in America, and it even won its independence and became its own republic in the 1800s. It’s so large that it has formed its own unique culture, and people truly like to do things their own way. We’ve talked about Florida Man (and Florida Woman) in the past, but…
Here on TopTenz, we’ve covered the Darwin Awards once before. Of course, one list is hardly enough to contain the world’s stupidity. In case this is the first time you’ve heard of it, the Darwin Awards are based on Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. In nature, there is survival of the fittest, and this extends…
Criminals tend to have a grandiose view of themselves. They think that they’re smarter than the average person, and they can get away with committing a crime without ever getting caught, even if the odds are against them. This means that there are some truly elaborate crimes out there that have been committed, and they…
When you think of the term “freak show” you might imagine scenes from a bygone era, like P.T. Barnum’s American Museum. Years ago, people born with disabilities were often put on display as sideshow attractions in nearly every circus and carnival. In most cases, these performers were glad to be a part of a “freak…
North Korea is the most mysterious country in the world. No one is allowed to see what is really going on beyond their borders. Even when foreign journalists and tourists go to visit, they are usually kept to a strict schedule in the capital city of Pyongyang. Foreigners are never left alone, and they are…
We’ve all heard of a “pyramid scheme,” but many people don’t actually know what they are. Pyramid schemes usually appear in the form of multi-level marketing companies, also known as an “MLMs.” They claim that if you pay an upfront cost for the privilege to sell for their company, you can become a so-called “business…
Alchemy is the ancient science of attempting to transform lead into gold. Alchemists also sought to create the Philosopher’s Stone, which would guarantee eternal life. While none of these people have been proven to have been successful, their efforts in chemical research gave birth to modern chemistry. The names associated with alchemy in history are…
When you live anywhere long enough, it’s all too easy to think that your society’s customs are completely normal, even if it’s considered incredibly strange to the outside world. American television and movies are often shown in other countries, so the rest of the planet is exposed to the strange things that happen in the…