Overall, scientists in movies have been given a bad rap and they are invariably depicted as insane and power hungry. The audience has often laughed at the science used in the plots but some of these ideas predicted future scientific developments. Truth is always stranger than fiction. Many films tap into our fears and our…
Author: Anne Iredale
When an actor and a character gel, there is magic on the screen. Unfortunately, some casting decisions leave us scratching our heads in wonder. It’s not necessarily a question of bad acting, although this is the case sometimes. Here is a list of roles that were too much of a stretch. 10. Geronimo 1962 Directed…
They use their cunning, and their expertise and courage to solve crimes. From quaint English spinsters to hard drinking gumshoes, we love the page turning tales of detectives. There is a mystery at the heart of each story. Here is a list of characters that have had an impact on our culture. 10. V.I. Warshawski…
No matter how many millions of dollars the studios spend on a movie, mistakes or bloopers are inevitable. Most of these mistakes are continuity errors or something may be visible that shouldn’t be visible. Some pedantic moviegoers watch out for them like hawks and pounce. To be honest, most of us don’t even notice until…
In the media hungry world, you need to stand out from the crowd to get attention. Publicity stunts are seen to be the answer for many individuals, celebrities and organizations. The motive for a celebrity publicity stunt may be to resurrect a career or to give a boost to the latest project. For protest groups,…
“When you go to an art gallery, you are simply a tourist looking at the trophy cabinet of a few millionaires” – Banksy Some call it street art. Some call it graffiti. Some people love Banksy and some people hate him. His satirical artwork is on display across the world. They are sometimes humorous and…
The dictionary defines a dystopia as a state in which the conditions of life are extremely bad as from deprivation or oppression or terror. These scenarios have been the inspiration for countless novels and movies. They reflect our darkest fears and sometimes, actual elements in the modern world. THX 1138 George Lucas made his name…
Most of us have fond memories of bedtime stories. Parents love to pass on their own favorite books to their children. Stories are important in sparking children’s imaginations and they teach them about the world. Here are some you will undoubtedly know along with some that are less familiar, and you don’t have to be…
There are certain moments in musical history when we wish we could say I was there (although not in some cases). Here is a list, in time order, of some of those events, the controversial, the groundbreaking, the political, the tragic, and the wonderful. David Tudor (composer – John Cage) August 29, 1952 – Maverick…
The UK is a popular tourist destination because of its terrific scenery, history, and culture. It’s got great cities, countryside, and a coastline. Here are some places to spark your interest, away from the usual tourist spots. 10. CHESHIRE This is a county of pretty villages, market towns, and scenic countryside. Chester, an old Roman…
You know the old saying; marry in haste and repent at leisure. It’s easy to scoff at celebs who rush in and out of love but let’s face it; most of us aren’t surrounded by beautiful people all day. We interact with our dry cleaner and the sandwich delivery guy/gal. Temptation is not all around…
It’s therapeutic to have a good cry. If at least one of the following doesn’t loosen the tear ducts, then you are made of stone! Friendship, love and loneliness are all featured. So, get the tissues ready. It’s not just the lyrics that get to you; it’s those damned minor keys! If you enjoy this…
We love our soap operas. They have ridiculous plots and unbelievable characters. Just like actual operas but without the fat lady singing. We kid ourselves in to thinking we’re not addicted but there’s always some fiendish cliffhanger to keep us hooked. Soaps share a number of clichés that may make us groan but we’d miss…
Human beings are not one-dimensional and sometimes we need another persona to express different facets of our personality. They also make terrific drama! Some are comic; some are terrifying. Some are misguided. There are things that only the alter ego could get away with. In some cases it is hard to distinguish which character is…
What’s that coming over the hill! Both B-movies and blockbusters have entertained us with members of the animal kingdom intent on crushing, biting or stinging innocent people to death. Sometimes, they’re just doing what comes naturally and sometimes, human interference makes them ‘go bad’. This list is strictly creatures that are in the known world,…
Why do we love singer songwriters? There is something special about listening to a good singer, singing his or her own words. Often, it is a bearing of the soul. The romantic image is that of a tortured being, hunched over an acoustic guitar, lamenting a doomed love affair or the state of the world.…
Have you ever wondered, why on earth did they call themselves that? When a journalist asked John Lennon why the Beatles were so called, he replied that a man on a flaming pie appeared in a vision and told him what to name the band; an example of John’s surreal humor there. At least an…
As long as there have been poets, there have been love poems. After all, if love cannot inspire, what can? Our minds turn to love on special anniversaries, Valentine’s Day and weddings, but how to express it? We are not all blessed with the gift of poetic words. The list below may include a romantic…
You will notice an anti-war stance with this list. John Wayne is noticeable by his absence! The films have a common mission and that is to tell the truth as the writers and directors see it. Before I receive a deluge of comments on why ‘Saving Private Ryan’ isn’t included, I think that the first…
They may not always like the amount of press coverage given to their hair but certain celebrities have an iconic image. Even if they change the image, the original one tends to follow them around. The following people are all talented in their own way. But back to the hair. 10. Mick Hucknall The lead…
In a world of bland, corporate buildings, thank goodness for those architects and designers who express their individuality. They brighten up our world. From works of art to the downright wacky, here is a list, some of which I have been fortunate to see in the flesh. 10. Guggenheim Museum – Bilbao, Spain No list…
People have sung protest songs throughout human history. Wherever people are oppressed or united in a common struggle, someone will voice strong feelings in song. The 1960s came to be known as the decade for protest with the twin causes of the Vietnam War and the lack of civil rights for African Americans. Some of…