Browsing: Science

For most, ants are just harmless insects (unless you find a red one; then run away to another country IMMEDIATELY.) We know they can lift extremely heavy stuff but, other than that, they’re pretty insignificant, right? WRONG. Ants are basically little humans in buggy form, who can do just about anything we can, for better or for worse.

Most plants can’t hurt you unless you’re in The Little Shop Of Horrors, and most trees can’t kill you unless one topples over and lands on your head. But then there are the others: plants and trees from the wrong side of town. They don’t like you, and if you get too close, they will make you pay dearly.

Most animals are either anonymous wildlife, or regular old house pets. However, some manage to break through and become famous in their own rights. Here are ten famous animals from ten different species, none of whom are aware they’re more popular than any of us could ever hope to be.

Plants sure are nice and pretty, right? Their leafy goodness adds to the ambiance of most any room. Of course, if you pick the wrong one, the only ambiance you’ll experience will be that of a fiery, unforgiving Hellscape. Because many plants are just plain not nice. In fact, some of them are just plain nasty.