Author: Larry Holzwarth

Some jobs leap to mind as dangerous, including police officer, firefighter, or in current times, front-line healthcare worker. They certainly all present their dangers to those who practice such professions. But none of them qualified for this list, comprised from statistics collected from 2019 and 2018. Some of them are surprising, while others have long…

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Childhood is a time of wondrous belief. Children are taught that those who behave well will be rewarded with a visit from a “right jolly old elf” on Christmas Eve. A miraculous bunny visits on Easter, leaving baskets of goodies and hidden eggs, though the relationship between rabbits and eggs remains mysterious. Why a fairy…

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The chief advantage of the submarine in warfare is stealth. Their ability to approach a target and strike without detection was originally considered unfair by professional naval officers. Naval officers considered them ungentlemanly up to and during the First World War. Since then their operations have become ever more stealthy, and they can operate in…

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Warships first developed as a means of delivering armies to areas of combat. Over the centuries they developed weapons to fight each other, with arrows, flames, rams, and through boarding the enemy. Eventually cannons replaced arrows and catapults, but rams remained a feature on some ships well into the 19th century. CSS Virginia was one…

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The year 1816 was the first since the onset of the French Revolutionary Wars in which the western world was at peace. In Europe, the nightmare of the Napoleonic Wars began to fade. In North America, Washington DC began the process of rebuilding after being burned by the British Army during the War of 1812.…

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Harriet Tubman is well known in the United States as an escaped slave and abolitionist, and as someone who led other escaping slaves to their freedom along the Underground Railroad. But much of what is known about her is untrue. Her exploits have been exaggerated over the years for political purposes. Some of the exaggerations…

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Before the Second World War, a nation’s pride and status was reflected in the power of the force demonstrated by its navy, with battleships being the epitome of military strength at sea. Battleships were expensive as well as impressive, immense steel floating fortresses built to fight each other in the ultimate argument over control of…

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It was American involvement in the Second World War which led to the selection of the site known to the world as Camp David as a presidential retreat. President Hoover had established a rustic camp in Virginia during his administration, purchasing it with his own money and donating it to the government, but the camp was…

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It was the largest combined effort of the human race up to that time, and possibly for all time, as the globe locked into the conflagration which was the Second World War. So it is not unusual that many events transpired which fit under the description of being strange. It would have been unusual if…

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