As we’ve already talked about Poland wasn’t actually that nice of a country before it…
Browsing: History
We all love history and here are a host of history lists to prove it. Get your history knowledge in the form of top 10 lists, it is easier on the stomach.
While Hollywood presents assassins and assassinations in various outlandish and implausible ways, they do manage…
On August 6th, 1945, the world was changed forever by a weapon capable of wiping…
World War II was a horrible conflict, which engulfed much of the known world. Known…
Oliver Cromwell hated so many things that brought people joy, scientists still aren’t sure if he was an internet troll who stumbled
The post Oliver Cromwell Used To Arrest People For Celebrating Christmas Day appeared first on Fact Fiend.
The mystical realms of Fairy tales, leading us to an imaginary world of fantasy, never…
1800 did not look one thing like 1899, thanks to incredible advancements in both technology and society. It’s odd to think about it at first, especially since photos from that century are rare, and voice recordings are even rarer. But amazing things happened over those hundred years, just about every day. Here are ten of the most news-worthy stories of the bunch.
Museums and libraries are human treasures, but they aren’t eternal. All it takes is one well-timed disaster, man-made or otherwise, and the entire thing could go up in flames. Today, we focus on the man-made disasters, those cases where people actively, and successfully, destroyed human knowledge and delayed our advancement as a species.
For the most part, ghosts tend to lurk in obscurity, content to haunt random old buildings and curse sports teams that they don’t like. Some ghosts, however, crave the spotlight a bit more, and so they take up residence in some fairly famous locales. If you visit any of these places, don’t be surprised when the wind turns violent and freezing cold.
Espionage is something just about every country takes part in, even though it’s illegal in just about every country. The United States, being the biggest superpower on Earth, is no exception. Th number of foreign spies that attempt to infiltrate America’s ranks is truly mind-boggling. Here are ten of the most famous cases.
Just because the people in charge decide a war is over, doesn’t mean every soldier knows about it. Many wars have experienced a number of bloody, violent, and fatal battles fought days, weeks, or even months after the war officially ended. This is yet one more reason that war is bad; because stupid carp like this happens far too often.
Tanks, though formidable, are slow and more often than not, stuck to the ground, which…
There’s a good reason the sight of a Viking longship struck fear in the hearts…
Roman Emperor Elagabalus is probably one of the most decadent rulers in history, along with…
If the name, Ulrich von Liechtenstein, doesn’t mean anything to you, we’re sorry for the…
We’re all familiar with Jesus, Gandhi, and many other famous martyrs throughout history, but what of the ones who get less attention? They were just as dedicated and willing to die for their cause as any of the others, and they deserve a proper tribute as well. It is our goal now to give them one.
For at least the past few thousand years, laws have been written and enforced, in the name of order and civility. here are some of the earliest that we know of, from all arund the world.
As summer winds down and many of us return to school whether it be as…
Combining the inherent contradiction of “Warrior Buddhists” with the legendary grand scale of Chinese military…
Emperor Commodus will go down in history as one of the craziest SOBs to rule…
Although sometimes dismissed as merely “the Dark Continent”, Africa has a rich history full of…
If you’re starting up a group, don’t fret if you find your planned symbol was already used by somebody else. You’re still free to use it; you’ll just have to tweak it slightly, so it adapts a whole new meaning that’s in tune with your group and its message.
Remember history class? Okay, neither do I. But those nerds who actually stayed awake through…
No, you didn’t read the title to this piece in correctly. During WW1, the Russians…