China is an incredibly secretive and mysterious country; as a result, many people have developed beliefs about what’s going on over there that are simply not true. Even the partial truths have a ton of misconceptions and urban mythology surrounding them.

We all know reading is good for the mind and for the soul, but many of us just don’t have the time to spend staring at a book for hours. Luckily, we have audiobooks, the adult equivalent of having your parents read to you before bedtime. here are ten great books to start you off on.

Not every statue is of a heroic warrior, or is a symbol of freedom, love, and hope. Sometimes, statues are just, well, bizarre. They’re the kinds of things that, if you ever learned what the sculptor was thinking about as he chiseled away, you might never sleep again.

There’s at least a 99% chance that the music you love would not exist without the blues. It’s the foundation of just about every bit of popular song released in the past 100 years. Here, we pay tribute to ten of the best, the ones who should be personally thanked by every artist around today.

If you’re starting up a group, don’t fret if you find your planned symbol was already used by somebody else. You’re still free to use it; you’ll just have to tweak it slightly, so it adapts a whole new meaning that’s in tune with your group and its message.