If you’re starting up a group, don’t fret if you find your planned symbol was already used by somebody else. You’re still free to use it; you’ll just have to tweak it slightly, so it adapts a whole new meaning that’s in tune with your group and its message.

Earlier this week, in “celebration” of Left-Hander’s Day, we published a list explaining why it sucks to be left-handed. Proving that there are two sides to every story, here now is an ACTUAL celebration: ten reasons why the 10% of people born with a dominant left-hand should thank their lucky stars.

With Left-Handers Day come and gone, we started to wonder if being a righty is all it’s cracked up to be. There are two sides to the argument, and both shall be presented. Today, a righty explains why he would never want to be a lefty. Coming Saturday: the rebuttal.

Sigmund Freud is, depending on who you talk to, either one of the greatest psychological minds in history, or a perverted phony who made up entire theories to “explain” why babies lust after their parents. The answer, as usual, is a little bit of both, as Freud was a deeply complex man, as these various factoids about him prove.

The idea of zombies, a creature that once died but is now alive again, but this time brainless and murderous, is a timeless premise. As such, it’s not just in video games and movies where you see them. They’ve been seen throughout history in various forms, sometimes in real life (allegedly.)

When left to the unimaginative mind, remixes are little more than someone else’s song with an added drum beat. The truly creative types can take two different, often entirely unrelated, pieces of music and merge them into solid gold. Usually, the combination has no reason to succeed, and yet they often totally do.

Short films made by students are usually quite horrible, usually due to the creators’ lack of experience and inability to properly judge what’s good and what’s bad. But sometimes, you get kids who know exactly what they’re doing, and produce awesome cinema as a result. Here are ten of the best to come out of the post-Y2K college generation.

Plants sure are nice and pretty, right? Their leafy goodness adds to the ambiance of most any room. Of course, if you pick the wrong one, the only ambiance you’ll experience will be that of a fiery, unforgiving Hellscape. Because many plants are just plain not nice. In fact, some of them are just plain nasty.