Author: Karl Smallwood

When Karl isn’t writing lists for Toptenz, he’s the researcher and writer for, a website dedicated to sharing facts that weren’t on the front page of Reddit three days ago like all those other fact based sites. Fact Fiend is also on Youtube.

Though Drosera capensis, sounds like it could have been ripped straight from the Game of Thrones universe, it’s actually a plant that exists within our own universe. However, what it does is so alien and terrifying this entry should technically leap out of the screen in an attempt to impregnate your face. Normally referred to…

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Miles Prower (AKA, Tails from the Sonic games) consistently ranks as one of the most annoying video game characters of all time. Though we suspect that’s mainly to do with the fact he constantly taunts the player with his invulnerability. However, if you dig into Tails’ back-story it’s horribly depressing. In his Youth Tails was…

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Fictional people and institutions can inspire real people to do great things. Superman taught an entire generation of people about the virtues of truth, justice and punching bad guys square in the dome. But did you know that these fictional people and entities have actually helped people here, in the real world? Confused? Well, here…

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If you, the person reading this right now just so happens to be a criminal, we have a little advice for you, go shove a broomstick into your rectum, sideways. Okay that was mean, here’s some actual advice. Don’t eat fast food. Confused? Well fast food along with being artery-bustingly awesome, it contains a metric…

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Boxing, AKA, throwing a balled fist at another human being’s face until they look like you stabbed a photo with lipstick, is a very old sport. So old in fact all of the coolest and most awesome nicknames were taken hundreds of years ago, seriously. Think David Hay-maker Haye or Iron Mike Tyson is a…

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If you ever feel like you absolutely have to commit a crime. Your best bet is to do so in Brazil. Though the land of soccer and muggings seems like an odd place to decide to turn someone’s torso into a knife holder and being the only person in prison without a sun tan might…

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The world is filled with dangerous animals, capable of easily inflicting any number of horrible injuries upon you or the ones you love (such as your iPhone.) However, certain animals are consistently left out of the OH GOD RUN THIS THING WILL EAT YOU discussion. This can be dangerous, because everyone knows to be wary…

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Forgery and counterfeiting is a major, yet oddly awesome problem our society faces. Major because it costs companies millions of dollars and awesome because it truly shows the ingenuity of mankind when someone wants a new BMW. For example, in recent years some forgeries have become so realistic, they’re almost indistinguishable from the real thing…

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Despite having a reputation as a game with less originality than a photocopied Andy Warhol painting, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 has perhaps one of the single most stupidly detailed and pointless additions ever seen in any video game. Within the confines of the games multi-player is an item called the “Tactical Insert.” Eagle…

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Curious about what the freaking hell that thing pictured is? Well it’ s a spunky little guy called a black swallower, or Chiasmodon niger (careful how you say that out loud) if you’re into knowing the scientific names of things that exist solely in your nightmares. The huge, painfully bloated area you can see directly…

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Playing a prank on someone should be a harmless jape that leaves both parties laughing and leaving on mutual terms, their friendship made ever stronger by the moment they just shared. Note the use of the word “should” there, since not all pranks are mutual, take perhaps the most famous one of them all, the…

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While the American military was developing the Bell P-59 Airacomet (one of the first ever jet planes), keeping everything about the experimental aircraft a secret was a top priority. They were so serious about this, that during development they stuck a giant wooden propeller onto the front of the craft make it look less suspicious.…

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When we alerted our readers to the fact that rich people are way more likely to steal things than people who earn far less than they do, exactly one of them (our readers) wanted to see a list of 10 wealthy shoplifters to support the claim even though, you know, there was a link supporting…

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Though the concept of religion and by extension, hell and heaven, is one that is routinely mocked by 17 year-old-kids who think putting Carl Sagan quotes on a picture of the Milky Way is somehow a way of hitting back at the man (read, their mothers). The gates to Hell are something anyone reading this…

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